Saturday, July 6, 2013

Attitude and beauty go together!

Someone said, beauty is only skin deep, but ugly is ugly to the bone! Sounds a bit harsh, but attitude is of utmost importance. If you wake yup in the morning and even after your coffee or tea you still feel knotted up inside and feel tense or angry, that attitude is going to spill out during the day! Someone is going to push your button and it will all ooze out, before you have a chance to realize your attitude has gotten you into trouble. Some times we just need a attitude adjustment. Take a moment and focus on what you must do today, realize you may get distracted or blindsided, so you must be aware...that is if you want to have that beautiful response and have peace in your heart instead of turmoil...when giving your day and plans to the Lord, you will find you have beauty that is most attractive to others, and they will say, you are so beautiful. It's not so much looks  but it's attitude!!~

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Together we can make a difference!

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Still "gleaning" after almost 25 years...

Harvesting for free distribution to the needy, or for donation to a nonprofit organization for ultimate distribution to the needy, an agricultural crop that has been ...
noun 1. the act of a person who gleans . 2. gleanings, things found or acquired by gleaning
"Upscale Thrift " store is a ministry outreach out of Whosoever Will Outreach Ministries...I love sharing how on Father's day in 1987 I discovered food being thrown into dumpsters behind the darling new specialty store near my Mother's house.
My son and his friend were eating this huge plump bunch of grapes...I asked where did you get the grapes...I was surprised when they said in that dumpster behind Grandma's house!!!
That day almost 25 yrs ago helped kick off my ministry assignment...gleaning leftovers for the needy and for hurting has taken some turns from food to clothes to gift baskets but really it all boiled down to gleaning leftovers that others discarded...either as trash or some drop box or junk store in local neighborhoods...
One thing I discovered that day and have never forgotten; is that whenever that food, or those clothes or furnishings are lovingly cleaned and presented well they are become a blessing  not only to the recipients but to all who participate in the process of gleaning the items.
Our Upscale Thrift is so pretty, I just love it..I do believe it is pleasing to the Lord and we have done our best in setting it up. I spent it all, and it is worth the effort and sacrifice...King David once said, I will not give God a sacrifice that costs me nothing.
After caring for my Mother the last few years full time, and praying even wondering when the day came that the Lord would take my Mother home...then what would he have me do.
Mother passed away right in December last year...I started praying what now am I to do...she had a little insurance , enough to bury here and a few thousand left for her kids. My family pitched in and gave it to me to put it into decor/ furnishings/ etc to set up Upscale Thrift.
 My children have poured their money and time helping me get it going...and may I say today was one week after opening and it felt so right...hard work...yes...but the people are wonderful.
 I am so excited to share more in the future with you...we need your prayers, and we need favor from God and man!!! We need donations now to keep the store going and bills paid...much ministry will come from this already is, helping people in the marketplace...helping people get excited about gleaning and blessing others...I love it and I love you...we need you in so many ways, and we thank God for you!

Friday, April 20, 2012

Upscale Thrift store opens May 1

I know you probably thought we dropped off the face of the earth, but honey we have worked non stop on this store. You are going to just love it...I know you will. Our opening date is May 1st. Pastor Raymond England of Trinity Lighthouse in Denison had prophesied early this year to the entire body that this is surely a year of "open doors." Doors are not worth much if you can not open and close them, there is a time for going out and coming in. Now people will be coming and going and ministry opportunities and service taking place...just showing the love.  I have always felt that we should present ourself and our ministry work in this best light possible and do it beautifully. I will keep you posted and will start adding photos this next week. Shop with us, pray for us, or donate to the store. I thank you for your support!!!

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Doing our part in God's Heart!

Today is Easter morning , and low and behold the rain is pouring down. I always had remembered the rain or cold front happening on good Friday, either way many pretty ladies and little girls did not necessarily enjoy wearing those little Easter bonnets today.

Funny isn't it how we keep certain traditions and when tragedy or disruptions come, even like a change in the weather it seems our joy can disappear. Throughout one's life we have a series of up's and down's.

We thank God for the sunshine but we also need the rain...perhaps we just need to be more flexible and adaptable to all these things that occur throughout life. Change what we can but enjoy every day with delight.

Never fear, that Easter bonnet will look good next week and those frilly little dresses will be beautiful another day!

The real meaning of Christ Resurrection gets lost anyway and perhaps the rains or storms in life lead us back to what's real and foremost in life.

Change days dawning...we must go forward and not look back. Celebrate today, celebrate those you love and your many blessings...Whosoever Will is so excited about our new venture opening up this lovely Upscale Thrift store here in Sherman. Nothing comes easy...all the preparations must be made...but its like when you have a gathering of friends and family, and you clean and cook and prepare non stop for your guests...they come they enjoy and they never know the cost you paid to be able to welcome them into your home...but you know, and know they are worth it, and you'd do it again, because that's what you are called to do.

Our opening date is May Tuesday thru Friday 10:00 AM till 6:00 PM. We are now taking donations and working hard getting ready to open our doors and love on people. Only God knows what he will do when we do our part...just doing our part in God's heart!


Wednesday, April 4, 2012

The Virtuous Woman

The Virtuous Woman is probably shopping thrift stores, bargain bins, garage sales, flea markets, consignments stores and of course those wonderful antique stores. Some use their creative talents either sewing or doing crafts...What do you think??? One thing we do know is she is not lazy...and most important she knows what is first and foremost in life...serving God and ministering to her family and neighbors.

Proverbs 31...A Wife of Noble Character...
Who can find a virtuous and capable wife? She is more precious than rubies.   Her husband can trust her, and she will greatly enrich his life. She brings him good, not harm,
all the days of her life. She finds wool and flax and busily spins it. She is like a merchant's ship,
bringing her food from afar. She gets up before dawn to prepare breakfast for her household
and plan the day's work for her servant girls. She goes to inspect a field and buys it;
with her earnings she plants a vineyard.  She is energetic and strong,
a hard worker. She makes sure her dealings are profitable;
her lamp burns late into the night. Her hands are busy spinning thread,
her fingers twisting fiber. She extends a helping hand to the poor
and opens her arms to the needy. She has no fear of winter for her household,
for everyone has warm clothes. She makes her own bedspreads.
She dresses in fine linen and purple gowns. Her husband is well known at the city gates,
where he sits with the other civic leaders. She makes belted linen garments
and sashes to sell to the merchants. She is clothed with strength and dignity,
and she laughs without fear of the future. When she speaks, her words are wise,
and she gives instructions with kindness. She carefully watches everything in her household
and suffers nothing from laziness. Her children stand and bless her.
Her husband praises her "There are many virtuous and capable women in the world,
but you surpass them all!" Charm is deceptive, and beauty does not last;
but a woman who fears the LORD will be greatly praised. Reward her for all she has done.
Let her deeds publicly declare her praise.